Do you ever have those days where you look in your closet and think, it's time to get new wardrobe? It's times like these where I am grateful we have the internet, where we can browse through and do some serious online shopping. I found this online vintage shop here in Omaha, Nebraska called Hello Holiday. It was founded by these two lovely ladies, Sarah Lorsung Tvrdik & Megan Hunt. (Photo above)
For Sarah & Megan opening a mini vintage shop was a dream come true. Their love for fashion, design and of course retro-style has lead them to be Omaha's leading entrepreneurs.
Here's a quick interview I had with Sarah:
Me: How did you come up with the name Hello Holiday?
Sarah: My co-founder Megan and I came up with our name after a few beers one evening at Omaha's Dundee Dell. We honestly just made lists of words that we felt fit our brand -- cheerful, celebratory and never too serious. Hello Holiday just felt right.
Me: Who is your biggest fashion influence?
Sarah: I'm greatly inspired by all things '60's, from iconic British fashion to actress Brigitte Bardot. I also draw inspiration from drag culture, Lucille Ball, and a handful of bloggers (Keiko Lynn, Mrs. Lilien and The Cherry Blossom Girl are my favorites). I could go on forever...
Me: If you were to pick one, What is your favorite Hello Holiday piece?
Sarah: Right now, my favorite is our Parasol Dress from designer Dear Creatures. Completely obsessed! We have a new hue in-coming for summer in the same dress, which I'm going to have to snatch up immediately when it arrives!
Me: Any upcoming projects?
Sarah: We're in the process of a big website revamp, launching in the next few weeks! I'm so excited to show everyone Hello Holiday's new look -- along with a ton of site improvements that will make it more user friendly.
One of my favorite items that I saw was the Beach Keen Skirt made by UK designers Emily & Fin! I love the unique design and if you look closely it has mini pin-up girls! Cute huh?
As summer is coming up (or is here already) it's time to start looking for those cute summer dresses or outfits to take to the beach. So why not dress up with Hello Holiday! I know I will!
Keep in touch:
*Photos courtesy of Hello Holiday.
From LA, With Luv
Fati <3
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