
Monday, February 24, 2014

Artist of the Week:

(Photo courtesy of Pep Williams)
::Sand One:: 

Sand One is taking the City of Angels by storm. Born and raised in East Los Angeles, California, she is recognized for her signature creations of cartoon-y like characters with voluminous eyelashes and luscious lips known as her 'Sand Chickz'. 

Through much inspiration and imagination this local female artist is breaking the boundaries of a male-dominated field and bringing some sass to the world of street art. 

'Los Angeles, California, where the cutest She-Thugs are born"- Sand One.

(Courtesy of Sand One)

Me: How old were you when you did your first piece?
Sand: I was 19 when I began painting these long lashed cartoons. First they were hymn sized and now they have become giants full of ambition.

Me: What inspired you to create your 'Sand Chickz' pieces?
Sand: I love big, big dreams, bigger than you imagined. I love challenges. If it's not easy for me to have, I want it. My art has opened doors to a world full of opportunities, in which the only obstacle is me against my imagination and drive. I want to leave a mark in society with my women by uplifting women through my art.

Me: Were you always into graffiti growing up?
Sand: I liked it. I have always paved my own floors. I am creating and opening new horizons in my life. I have chosen to be an artist, inspired by the street satire, graffiti rules and beliefs, yet driven by my womanhood and my need to express what I feel every day of my life through my art.

(Courtesy of Sand One)

Me: You don't really see a lot of female graffiti writers out there and I find it really inspiring and empowering to see women doing things that we normally see guys doing, how does that make you feel?
Sand: I am just an artist, a dreamer, a woman in the search of my righteous place in life. I simply do what I feel is right in a world full of sheeps and wolves. Women need to rise above men and claim their place in life. The era wife material is over. I see men the way they see women. We are equal. Now we must question their capabilities to be among us women. 

Me: What are some of the struggles that you've faced to getting where you are now? Do you still face those struggles today?
Sand:  I have no struggles. I am thankful for each and every rock I have kicked out of my way. I think as a dreamer.You can imagine your own faith and create it. Art is the highest form of hope.

Me: What message do you hope to send/spread with your art?
Sand: Follow your dreams. Life will give you what you seek for. Whatever it is you wish to be Fuckin' do it!! Stop being a cry baby and get your ass up and run! 

For more about Sand, check out her website: 
Follow her on Instagram: Sandoner
Facebook: :SandOne:

(Courtesy of Sand)

(Courtesy of Sand)

(Courtesy of Sand)

A big shout out and thanks to Sand for this interview! Keep on doing your thang! Que Viva la Mujer!
From LA, With Luv
Fati <3

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