
Friday, March 14, 2014

A Look at Quinceañeras: Traditional Dresses for the Modern Times

(Photo by:

Just the other day I was flipping through my old photos and boy do I have a ton! I found one that brought back many memories. It was of my Quinceañera. Like many of us Latinas out there a Quinceañera is an important day in our lives. 

Why you ask? 

Well it's a special day where we celebrate not only our 15th birthday, hence quince meaning fifteen in Spanish but it's also a traditional coming-of-age celebration which occurs in and throughout Latin America, 

"...symbolic of the acknowledgement of [a] young girl’s crossover into womanhood"

You can say a Quinceañera is similar to a sweet sixteen, because of all the event planning you have to do such as: finding the right venue, going dress shopping & dress fitting, choosing invitations for your guests, and the list goes on and on. The differences are well of course the age and Quinces involve religious customs, like having a mass and taking flowers to the Virgin Mary.

I feel like once you've planned one of these you are pretty much set to plan a wedding. There is so much to take into account so that's why it takes about a year or so of planning and then actually organizing depending on the family and the soon-to-be Quinceañera.

What I find interesting about Quinceañeras today is the type of dresses there are for young girls to choose from. Whenever you go to a dress boutique you see an array of colors and styles and that sometimes can get a bit overwhelming. Here are some examples of how some dresses may look like:


 A typical traditional dress is a long, elegant and voluminous, and usually comes in the colors of pink or white. It also include a vest used to cover up when you're at mass.


In other cases, girls may decided to go out of the traditional norms and wear a more modern and colorful dress. These usually come with a shawl.

 A really cool magazine that I found for those Quinceañeras-to be is Quinceañera Magazine. They have awesome resources on where to find dresses, party themes, beauty secrets, and they even have a fashion show/expo. They are a great source!

I really enjoyed learning more about my culture and I hope you did too! 

What's your Quinceañera or sweet sixteen experience?

For more information on dresses check out Quinceañera Magazine:



From LA, With Luv
Fati <3

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